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How to disinfect the nylon membrane filter membrane
TANVI2024-07-31 TANVI390
The disinfection of nylon membrane filter is a key step to ensure its filtration efficiency and microbial safety. Here are some commonly used disinfection methods:

1. Steam high-pressure sterilization method

Method: Place the nylon membrane filter in a high-temperature and high-pressure environment, usually using steam high-pressure sterilization at 121 ° C for 30 minutes.

Principle: Kill or remove microorganisms on the filter through high-temperature and high-pressure steam.

Attention: It is necessary to ensure that the equipment can reach the required temperature and pressure, and thoroughly rinse the filter after sterilization to remove residual steam and impurities.

2. Radiation sterilization method

Method: Sterilize using 2.5 Mradr radiation or ultraviolet radiation.

Principle: Radiation or ultraviolet radiation can effectively destroy the DNA structure of microorganisms, thereby achieving sterilization effect.

Attention: Radiation sterilization requires professional equipment and safety measures to ensure the safety of operators, and to properly handle items that may be affected by radiation after sterilization.

3. Ethylene oxide treatment method

Method: A mixture of 90% ethylene oxide and 10% carbon dioxide was used to treat for 4 hours at a pressure of 1kg/cm2 and a dose of 800g/m3.

Principle: Ethylene oxide is a commonly used sterilizing agent that has a bactericidal effect on various microorganisms.

Attention: Ethylene oxide is toxic, and strict control of the operating environment is required during the processing. Adequate ventilation should be provided after processing to remove residual gases.

4. Chemical solution immersion method

Method: Soak the nylon membrane filter in a 3% formaldehyde solution for 24 hours, and then wash it with distilled water with a pore size of 0.45 μ m.

Principle: Kill or remove microorganisms on the filter through the action of chemical agents.

Attention: It is necessary to choose appropriate chemical agents and soaking time, and thoroughly rinse the filter after soaking to remove residual disinfectants and impurities.

5. Ethanol immersion method

Method: After any of the above disinfection methods, soak the filter in ethanol to wet it.

Principle: Ethanol can further remove residual moisture and microorganisms, while also helping to extend the lifespan of filters.

Attention: Ethanol is a flammable and explosive substance. During use, it is necessary to stay away from sources of fire and heat, and ensure good ventilation in the operating environment.

When disinfecting nylon membrane filters, suitable disinfection methods can be selected according to specific application scenarios and needs. Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to ensure a clean and dust-free operating environment, and follow the disinfection guidelines and precautions provided by the manufacturer. After disinfection is completed, the filter should be thoroughly rinsed to remove residual disinfectants and impurities to ensure its filtration efficiency and microbial safety.